Friday, November 25, 2016


While Mike was busy with Black Friday I took the kids up to Logan to visit Maysen!  I have been looking forward to this for a LONG time! We didn't leave until the afternoon.  Stockton wanted to finish his homework before we left.  It was nice he didn't have to worry about it while we were gone.  Maysen made us a cake in Demetria's rice cooker. She was pretty excited about that and it was delicious.  Maysen really wanted to see the new Disney movie Moana.  Once the cake was finished we headed out the door.  Too bad everyone else in Logan wanted to see Moana too.  There were only three tickets left for the showing we wanted to go to, and they weren't by each other.  We ended up buying 3D tickets for later that day.  Maysen doesn't really like watching movies in 3D, but it was our only option.  Instead we took Maysen grocery shopping, which is something I wanted to do.  I also splurged and bought her official Aggie ice-cream.  The Blue Mint kind. Maysen's favorite.  We went back to Maysen's apartment, ate cake and ice-cream and played Disney Apples to Apples.  We played once the regular way and then once where we each put two cards in and only one card was picked.  That was surprisingly difficult.  I didn't like it because there were many times you ended up losing two good cards.

We finished the games right as it was time to leave for the movie.  We were able to find our seats before the theater went dark.  I hate looking for seats in the dark.  We were watching the previews when the screen says, "Put on your 3D glasses".  Whoops!  We forgot to get those.  I asked the people next to us where they picked up theirs.  They said the person taking the tickets gave it to them.  Whoops again.  No one took our ticket.  I went out and found glasses for everyone.  At least we had them before the show started.  Maysen really liked the movie.  I thought it was okay.  I don't think I fell asleep, but I might have for just a bit.  I have a hard time staying awake during movies.

It was really late when the movie finished.  I took the kids to Sonic so they could get something to eat.  We headed back to Maysen's apartment so we could go to bed.  Preston was really excited to sleep in Maysen's bed with her, but he fell asleep on the couch.  Stockton and Preston both slept on the couch.  Jorja slept on the beanbag we brought up.  I slept in Maysen's bed with her.  She has a full size bed.  Right as I was falling asleep I remembered I wanted to look out her window to see the Logan Temple at night.  It was beautiful!  I wish I had shown the other kids.  This is where their Grandma Honey and Papa were married.  In the picture you can barely see the temple.  It looks a lot better in person.

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