Saturday, September 24, 2016

Maysen's Early Birthday

Sam and Anne made breakfast for us this morning.  Anne was so cute sitting on the floor stirring the egg mixture.  She was a little shy when I wanted to take her picture though.
Poor Anne has asthma.  She has to have an inhaler twice a day.  This is the preventative one.  She also has an emergency one.  Hopefully this is something she will grow out of.
Anne and Matt's hand
Sam and I listened to the BYU game.  They almost pulled it off . . . again . . . I sure hope this season turns around fast!  We also listened to Womens Conference on the radio.  Mike, Matt and Stockton played frisbee golf.

We celebrated Maysen's 19th birthday today.  Yikes!  We aren't sure if we will see Maysen before her birthday.  There is a chance if Maysen decides she would like to come home over conference weekend or the next, but most likely she will just want to stay at school.  At least we were able to have a small celebration with her.  Jorja picked out the cake.  I forgot to buy candles, but luckily we were able to make it work with candles we found at the cabin.
Preston, Jeff & Sam, Maysen, Stockton's legs
 Maysen's 19th birthday cake
 Preston, Anne, Maysen, Stockton's thumbs
I was really excited about Maysen's birthday present.  Right as she was opening it Stockton said, "Mom!  You are missing pictures!" Or something like that.  I turned to find my phone and missed Maysen's reaction.  Oh well.  We got her a printer.  I think she is pretty pleased with it.  Now she will be able to print papers without going to the computer lab.  Most of her papers are turned in on line, but I still think it will come in handy.  We really wanted to get her a laptop, but we think she will like and appreciate this more.
Matt, Maysen, Demetria and Alison stayed up late playing Dominion. Maysen won that game.  Mike played Pirates with them today.  Later Mike played Pirates with Stockton and Preston while Maysen watched Pirates of the Caribbean with Demetria and Alison.  Maysen, Demetria, Alison and I took the 4-wheelers over to Steve and Sharon's cabin to look for movies.  I was hoping they were there so we could say hi, but I wasn't surprised no one was home.  The girls picked out several movies they were interested in.  Pirates was the winner.  Along with Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.  I think just Maysen and Alison watched that one.  I went to bed.  I have always wanted to see that movie though.

I laughed when I saw this dictionary someone pulled out at the cabin.  I thought, that has got to be old!  I knew Renee's madden name was Brown.  I took a picture and texted it to Jordyn asking how old she thought this was.
Right after I sent it I noticed this inscription on the front cover.  That answered my question.  1974.  42 years.  That is how old I am!

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