Sunday, June 26, 2016

Tanner's Homecoming

The stain was still a little wet on the bunk beds when we left the cabin, so we had to leave the pads stacked on the bed in the lava room.  I'm guessing Bubs and Ange will be there next.  Hopefully they won't mind fixing that for us.  We were cleaning as fast as we could this morning. Mike doing lots of things outside and me inside.  Even though we were a little late we didn't miss Tanner's talk, so that was nice.  I was talking to Steve and Sharon when Brooke walked up!  I didn't know she was in town!  That was such a great surprise!!!  We went to Brad and Rozie's after sacrament and had a lot of delicious food.  Mike fell asleep downstairs while I visited with my family.  I can't believe the only picture we took today was this one.
It was nice to be home and see the other kids!  Stockton even gave me a hug, that's impressive!  Stockton drove over to the Trost's house to pick up his stuff from camp this week.  He brought it in.  I said, "Where is your sleeping bag?"  It wasn't there.  Back to the Trost's we go.  The sleeping bag wasn't there either.  We borrowed this sleeping bag from Matt and Sam because all of our sleeping bags are in the motorhome, which is in the shop.  I told Brother Trost that the sleeping bag was my brothers and it was the one thing we absolutely could not lose.  Plus, we were planning on Jorja taking it to girls camp.  We needed to take her things over today.  It dawned on us that the other sleeping bag was still in the shed.  Mike took a picture of it so Brother Trost could text it to the other boys and ask who picked up the sleeping bag.  Brother Trost says he knows it came home with him.  I'm glad he remembers that so he knows it wasn't Stockton who lost it.  He says he will replace it if they need to, but I hope it doesn't come to that.  Plus, the sleeping bags zip together, would he need to get two?  Jorja ended up taking the other sleeping bag.  Hope she doesn't lose it!  Stockton has the worst luck with his things getting back from camp.  After trek his things were lost for three weeks!  It took forever to track them down.  Hopefully we'll find the sleeping bag tomorrow.

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