Monday, April 4, 2016

Stockton's Wisdom Teeth

It was Stockton's turn to get his wisdom teeth out today.  His seemed to go faster than Maysen's.  They had to drill, but not as much.  I should have asked if they had to drill on every tooth like they did Maysen's. Stockton liked the fact that his was easier to get out.  He kept telling me in the recovery room that he was 'conscious'.  He also liked the anesthesia.  I am glad they were out for these procedures.  Maysen went to her vet class today.  She is still really sore.  Mike took her to class and my dad picked her up.
Stockton & Maysen
Stockton laid in my bed most of the day.  He didn't want to fall asleep because Maysen slept most of the day after her surgery, then had a hard time sleeping at night.  Jorja and Preston kept him entertained by watching a lot of Brain Games with him.  Max came over for awhile. While he was here the kids watched Sharknado.  That is quite the 'movie'.

I had my scouts today.  I was pretty annoyed.  I only have three scouts. I asked all three of the mom's if they would be here during Spring break.  Secretly I was hoping one of them would say no and then I would have an excuse to cancel scouts.  I didn't really want to do it knowing Stockton would be getting his wisdom teeth out today.  All three said they would be here.  I talked to Luke's mom last Monday.  He is turning 9 soon.  I showed her exactly what we needed to do before he turned 9 to get his bear.  One of the things was to have a 'campfire program'.  They boys planned this last week.  Mike spent Saturday getting our backyard ready so we could have a campfire.  I texted all of the mom's yesterday about our plans.  A few hours before scouts was supposed to start Brady's mom texted me and said they were going to the zoo because it was Spring break.  What?  That is totally fine, but I specifically asked if we could do scouts on Spring break.  I was pretty frustrated about that, but it was mostly Luke that needed to pass this off.  Scouts starts.  Judy is here and Eli is here.  About ten minutes later I text Ashley to find out if Luke is coming.  They are driving to California.  What?  Why?  Why couldn't you let me know this?  At a minimum, why couldn't they let me know when I sent the reminder text yesterday?  I wouldn't be as annoyed about this except I specifically asked each of them if they would be here on this date.  I had to have Stockton fend for himself during this time.  Plus, we are not supposed to have scouts with only one boy.  I went and got Preston and he hung out with us so Eli could pass this off.  Grrrrrr.  I did text the mom's with pictures of all the different things we passed off today and asked them to do it as a family.  I don't want to have another scout campfire again.

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