Saturday, April 23, 2016


Today was a crazy, busy day.  Maysen was gone most of the day volunteering.  Mike spent a lot of time working on his presentation he needs to give next week.  Stockton and I spent several hours working on making lanyards for the diving competition next week.  We weren't able to start until today because the schedule wasn't set yet.  They wanted to schedule on the back of the lanyards.  We needed to make 35 for the coaches, 1 for the meet director and 215 for the divers.  I was given laminating pouches, but not enough.  Mike went to the store to buy them, but the ones they had were too expensive.  We are just going to finish cutting them out on sheets.  Which will mean a lot more cutting for me.  I could hardly walk by the end of the day.  My back hurt so bad.  We got the coaches, meet director and 130 of the divers finished.  At least Stockton will be able to finish his service hours for National Honor Society with this.

Mike took me out to lunch today.  We went to Wallabys.  It was good.  I is an Australian barbecue place.  I ordered a meat plate and it came with two sides.  I ordered vegetables and taz eggs.  I asked her what taz eggs were.  The cashier had a cute Australian accent.  She said taz eggs were boiled eggs covered in meat.  I thought....interesting.  I'll get meat with a side of meat.  Anyways, what she really said was boiled eggs covered in BEETS!  They were bright red eggs with beets all around.  I finished them, but they sure weren't my favorite.  I kept thinking, "This is Lincoln's favorite food.  If he can eat them so can I."  The rest of the food was good though.  I talked Mike into taking me to a dessert place nearby.  It is called Create.  It was really good!  You pick a base food. Donut, pie, cookie, waffle cone, crepe, brownie......lots of choices. Then you fix it however you want.  Fillings, glaze, toppings....there were so many choices!  I ended up getting a waffle bowl with three scoops of gelato (lemon, caramel, mint) covered in marshmallows, oreo crumbs, hot fudge, and caramel.  It was so good!

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