Thursday, March 10, 2016


Mike thinks it is hilarious that I talk in my sleep.  I don't do it as much as I used to, but Mike loves to laugh at me when I do.  I don't remember any of the following conversation, so Mike might be making it up for all I know.  According to Mike it went like this:
Mike:  I love you
Steph: I love you too
Mike:  I hope I don't annoy you
Steph: You don't, except for that one time with the soap
Mike:  What?  What about the soap
I then sit up and say: I don't know what I'm saying, I'm really tired

I guess something about soap and Mike bothered me.  I'll have to try and figure that out.  Anyways, while the kids were at school I went to Shannon's.  Shannon and Erica let me borrow some of Erica's dresses to see if any would work for prom.  Maysen is going to wear the blue one.
This necklace Mike gave me for our tenth anniversary works perfect!
While Maysen and I were trying on dresses, Mike was busy asking Maysen to prom.  He cut up these words and hid them in some ice cream.
Mike left this on the doorstep, rang the bell and then ran around and came in our bedroom.
 Jorja, Maysen, Preston
 Maysen & Preston
I wanted Jorja to try on the dresses while we had them there.  Jorja wasn't too happy that she had just washed her face and said that now her face was shiny.  Silly Porge.

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