Friday, March 4, 2016

Dr. Who's Back

Jorja had late start today.  She surprised Preston with pancakes.  This is the one she made for him.  He loved it!
I talked to Cassie for awhile last night while I was at diving.  I usually sit in the very back of the stadium seating and work on my sewing.  I sit there because I can lean against the wall so my back doesn't hurt. Anyway, I will have John & Cassie's name for Christmas next year.  I wanted to make them a stocking.  I'm getting close to finishing Jeff's stocking, so I wanted Cassie to pick one out for them . . . and their new baby!  Hope I can finish all of them!  Exciting though.  Cassie called me today.  She had a couple of choices, which is perfect.  That way if I can't find the one they chose, I'm not stuck.  Should be fun and it will keep me busy for quite awhile.

I was so disappointed when Dr. Who went off Nexflix in January.  Good thing it came back to Amazon in March!  We watched the next episode tonight.  We are still on the second season.  I didn't really like Dr. Who until he got a new companion.  Then I liked it a lot.  The rest of my family tease me because they say the show is so weird and they are still waiting for it to get good.  Mike can't understand why I like it because it is completely different than any show I usually like.  They'll become Dr. Who fans one day, just you wait.  Well, maybe not Stockton.  He doesn't really like stories.  He's not a movie or a book fan.  We also watched The Goldbergs and The Amazing Race.  It was a fun movie night.  Nice and Relaxing.

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