Thursday, March 24, 2016

Different Opinions

My visiting teachers came over this morning.  They are really nice and I enjoy visiting with them.  Although today we got into an argument.  I was telling them my stresses about the end of the quarter. Somehow that evolved to my children are lazy because they don't have jobs.  Oh man.  I did not take that well.  I told them, well only one of them had this opinion, that my kids have the rest of their life to have a job.  There is only a short time in life to be a kid.  I also was thinking, but didn't say, that I had a job in high school.  I missed a few family trips because of it.  Once I left high school my mom got sick and my family crumbled. I missed the last few years of my happy family, all because of a minimum wage job.  Anyways, I was telling them that I was hoping my kids would get scholarships.  That is when I saw the eye roll.  Oh man. I was so angry.  I said, "What?  Do you have a problem with that?"  She said, "What's wrong with pell grants?  My sisters both worked three jobs during their senior year.  What's wrong with that?"  Well, nothing is wrong with that.  Doesn't mean scholarships is a bad way to go either.  She then told me kids today don't know how to work.  Again, that made me furious.  I told her that Stockton was taking calculus as a 10th grader.  He has all hard classes.  Next year he is taking five AP classes and two concurrent enrollment classes.  Don't tell me he doesn't know how to work hard.  Granted, my kids aren't the best at yard work and stuff, but that doesn't mean they are lazy.  Wow I was mad.  Well, not really mad just extremely annoyed.  Anyway, I really like these two ladies despite this one interaction.  I hope things are not awkward the next time I see them.

I was able to talk to my brother John today.  It is his birthday.  Cassie gave him this Blue Jays string/nail thing.  Look how fun!  I wish we lived closer to them.  Scratch that, I wish they lived closer to us! 
 Side view

Jorja got glasses today.  She has been begging for them for probably a year now.  She wanted to be able to see without her contacts.  Seems like a reasonable request.  I'm just super slow getting things done.  We picked up Jorja's glasses on the way to New Mexico.  We are driving down there to see Larkin get baptized.  Maysen wasn't able to come with us, so she will be home by herself for several days.  She loves being alone.  We didn't get too far today.  Only to Price, but that's better than nothing.

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