Wednesday, August 19, 2015

First Day of School

And so we begin...... I got Maysen up bright and early at 5:00.  Her internal time clock is completely messed up right now.  She had to hurry and get ready so she could leave by 5:45.  She is doing early morning seminary this year.
Maysen ~ 12th grade
While she was gone we got Stockton and Jorja up.  Mike gave each of them a father's blessing.  I was able to go back to the school and pick up Maysen before I needed to leave with these guys.  This is going to be a crazy year figuring out how to get everyone to the places they need to be.
Stockton ~ 10th grade
 Stockton was very glad
this is the last year I will make him hold up fingers.
 Jorja ~ 7th grade
 Haha!  I get a few more years to torture this one!
 Jorja's school project ~ a banner about herself
Mike gave Maysen and Preston a father's blessing after the other two left for school.  I'm grateful Mike is able to do this for them.  I think lessens the kids anxiety as they start a new school year.  We had to hurry to get Preston out the door.  I drove him down the street so he wouldn't miss the bus.  We didn't make it.  The bus is suppose to pick up the kids at 8:20.  It drove away at 8:15.  What's up with that?
Preston ~ 3rd grade  
 Many years left of torturing!
He does his threes weird.  Although that might be the
official way to do 3s in sign language....(?)
 My babies!
It's weird that this is the last year of regular life with them.  I hope it doesn't go by too fast.  I'm going to miss having them all live under the same roof as me.  Maysen got to hang out with me this morning since her vet program doesn't start until Monday.  By hang out I mean she wrote stories on her computer.  Maysen only had only one class at high school today.  She will be taking a night math class at the college campus since they dropped the class she needed.  Still annoyed at that.

Jorja had her first softball practice of the season today.  She was so excited and happy to see her softball friends.  Although there is one girl who is not playing this season that Jorja really, really wanted to play with again.  That's too bad.  We got back pretty late for a school night. Mike made the kids scones for dinner.  Happy, happy children!

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