Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Wrong Game

Jorja had a softball game today.  She was scheduled to bring treats and was pretty excited about it.  Mike wasn't going to be able to come.  He had to stay longer at work so he could pick up Stockton from diving. Usually Josh's mom drives them to and from diving on Wednesdays, but Josh's ear is still hurting.  I can't believe how long his ear has bothered him!  Poor Josh.

Jorja and I got to the park a little after 5.  We saw a lot of pink players and a lot of yellow players.  We didn't see any green.  I looked up the information again and saw that today Jorja had the late game!  It didn't start until 8:00.  Whoops.  We went back home and Jorja was able to take a little nap. At least Mike was able to come with me since the game started so late.  Jorja did great!  She is loving it.  She even got her first hit today!  Two RBIs with it as well.  Pretty happy Porge.  Pretty tired Porge.  Such a late night for her!

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