Monday, May 19, 2014

Through the Ceiling

Preston had a baseball game today.  He hasn't gotten a hit for the last couple of games.  He doesn't get how to swing.  One time he was up he got four fouls in a row!  He was so excited!  I was cheering for him with each foul.  My friend Jenny said the other team was watching me and laughing.  Not in a bad way though.  She said you could tell they really wanted him to hit it too.  He struck out.  He was pretty excited about the four fouls though.  Such a happy boy!

One of his coaches helped him a lot before his last at bat.  It was awesome.  There were two outs and Preston was up.  He hit the ball!  It landed right at his feet, but in fair play.  He was safe!  Pretty exciting. Preston ended up scoring.  He ran all the way from second.  The next boy struck out.  The game ended in a tie.  12-12.
Coach Webb and Preston
We went and got crickets and stopped for Jamba Juice after the game. Preston was thrilled with that.  Hopefully I can find his mitt and hat for his next game.  I have no idea where I put them.  Probably somewhere easy to remember.  He wore Mike's Red Hat hat today.  It was a little big.  He spent most of the time in the outfield playing with the hat. Putting it on backwards, upside down, covering his eyes.  Drove me a bit crazy.

Speaking of forgetting things.  I totally forgot to pick the boys up for their math class.  I had gone to the library and made dinner.  I sat down and was working on the blog.  I got a phone call from Josh.  It still didn't click until he asked, "Are you going to pick us up?"  Whoops!  I had even called Josh's mom this morning and told her that I knew I had carpool today.  (We usually call each other when we have the two week switch.)  I hurried as fast as I could.  I got them to the school about three minutes late.  Too bad they were taking the SAGE test today.  Josh had called his sister.  She met them at the door and showed him where they were supposed to go.  Luckily there were not enough computers in the room, so a few students were still outside waiting, so they were able to blend right in with them.  On a side note, on my way home I hit a bird with my car.  Usually they just fly out of the way, but not this one.  Too bad.

Mike moved our washer and dryer to the new laundry room.  Yay!  The only thing is the platform is not quite big enough.  I think Mike will just have to cut some drywall out and it won't be a big deal.  He does need to get a smaller dryer hose.  Hopefully it won't be a problem if we ever need to replace them.
Mike spent the end of the day working on the intercoms.  The kids rooms are so far away, we are trying to get an easy way to talk to them. Plus, they miss the intercoms we had in Georgia.  Jorja talks about them a lot.  Hopefully they will love them, because we made quite a mess getting them in!  First off, Mike fell through the ceiling.  Literally. Maysen and I heard a loud noise and a scream.  We came out and saw Mike's leg sticking through the ceiling.  I was too slow to get a picture. My phone was being charged by my computer.  I have to crawl over the piano that is in the office to get to it.  Mike had gotten his leg out by the time I got it back and was unwilling to recreate the moment.  Too bad the dry wall guys finished last week.  I have a feeling we will be seeing them again.
 Maysen surveying the damage
 Do you think anyone will notice?
It was such a pain to get the intercom hooked up in the kids' rooms. Especially the girls.  The wire would not come down.  I went and got a mirror and shined my flashlight on it.  There are weird boards everywhere.  We eventually won the battle, but sustained damage. Most of the damage is not a big deal, but we did get a hole in the girls room. Boo!  At least it is on the plain wall, but I'm not sure how to fix it.  I am very glad that we didn't get a hole in the boys' boards.
Girls' room
 Hole in girls' wall
 Hole in the hallway
 Boys' room
It was after midnight by the time I went to bed.  I am not a night person.  I also got up at 4:15 this morning, so I was beat.  Mike wanted to stay up and finish hooking up the intercoms.  He was trying to get our room finished so he could turn off the light.  I told him it didn't matter.  I was so tired I could sleep through anything.  We had the kids sleep in the motorhome tonight.  Turned out to be a very good decision.


Matt said...

I was at your house today and did not notice the ceiling damage.

Brett - Rachel B said...

I noticed it, but mostly because you took a picture of it.

Stephanie said...

Matt, you were here? I didn't even know. Maybe we were at scuba... Brett, I'm proud of how observant you are. I need lessons.