Thursday, March 13, 2014


So, Stockton had a spelling bee today.  He found out about it on Tuesday and got the list yesterday.  He was able to memorize the entire list, so he was feeling okay.  Right before the bee started the announcer told them they would not be using that list.  That list was just to practice how it is to spell words.  That is weird.  Why would you study those words if you know none of them are going to be asked?  Right then it made the bee a luck game.  Stockton hates luck games.  He insists that he always loses when it comes down to luck.  The words started off super silly.  Stockton's first word was shy.  I'm serious. Although one person spelled July Jouly and another one spelled silly sily.  His words went from ridiculously easy to I have never heard of this word.  He had tower, award and joust.  Then came the round with weird words.  Stockton got out on grouse.  He spelled it grouss.  It was kind of funny because a lot of the words in that round were a lot stranger, but Stockton knew how to spell them.  He said to me after, "Why couldn't I have gotten bulbous?"  Anyway, we were happy with the kid that won.  His winning word was netiquette.  Stockton knew that one too.  This poor kid has the next round on Saturday.  Talk about no time to prepare.  I'm not sure if our district was able to get someone to sponsor them in the Scripps spelling bee, or if they are just doing something for fun.  I hope he does well.  He seems like a great kid. 

Stockton and I were talking about spelling bees.  At the school level they shouldn't go to the crazy words.  They should have words like their, there, your, weird, vacuum, believe, calendar, cemetery, twelfth, library, misspell, principal, principle, receive.  There are many words that many of the junior high kids don't know how to spell right.  Save the crazy words for DC!

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