Monday, February 3, 2014

Ice Castle

I started the day with my super hard exercise class.  After I got all the kids off to school, I had an appointment to meet with a doctor to go over my blood work.  As part of this class, we were able to get our hormones tested and evaluated.  I was interested to see what my levels were because of the hysterectomy I had in 2007.  I'm not sure what I think about the appointment.  I know this doctor specializes in hormones, and I know his ultimate goal is to get clients to his practice. I would like to talk to some of my other friends in the class to see how their appointment went, but it looks like I was the first one to get it done.  Anyway, my hormones are low.  The first category they tested was "Energy Enhancement".  According to the doctor, thyroid levels below 375 are unhealthy.  My level was at 280.  He drew a sad face on my paper.  My iron levels were pretty high.  I think this is a good thing (?).  They want your iron levels to be above 90.  Mine was at 214.  My DHEA is supposed to be between 150-250.  Mine is at 97.5.  Cortisol is supposed to be between 12 and 20.  Mine is 6.8.  I got another sad face on my paper because of that one.  Fasting blood glucose desired level is between 80 and 100.  Mine is at 72.  Not too bad on that one.  Insulin levels are supposed to be between 5 and 10.  Mine was a 1.9.  Ouch was then written on my paper.  The doctor said it was a long time since he had seen anyone with insulin levels that low.  He told me I had hypoglycemia for sure.  I'm not even sure what that is.  The second category was "Female Hormones".  I expected this to be low.  When I first had my hysterectomy I had a hormone patch that I would wear. When Mike lost his job I just quit using the patch.  It was pretty expensive without insurance.  After awhile my doctors talked me into taking a generic hormone pill.  It was $10 for 3 months, so that was a lot better than the patch.  I'm pretty good at taking the pill, but not perfect.  The blood had to be taken while you were "fasting", so I hadn't had my pill that day.  I don't know if that effected the results or not..... Anyway, my estrogen level is 24.  I think it is supposed to be over 60, but I'm not sure on that.  My progesterone level is supposed to be between 10 and 20.  It is at .4.  The doctor then drew a sad face with tears.  Testosterone is supposed to be greater than 1.5.  Mine is less than .2.  Anyway, those are my boring results.  I should look at the paper closer to figure out what any of it means.  I'm just not sure that his "normal" is really the normal.  I'm thinking I will get a regular doctor appointment and bring my results for a second opinion.  Or maybe I should just call Brooke and ask her what to do.  She loves it when I do that!

Okay, that last paragraph was long and boring.  Sorry about that.  Once I left the doctors office I went and picked up flowers for Ashley.  I tried to get a different color flower for each of the Young Women values. Ashley was going to receive her Young Women medallion at New Beginnings tomorrow.  No way she will make it.  I talked to Jacqui when I dropped off the flowers.  Unbelievable what Ashley went through!  Mostly unbelievable was how the adults handled the situation.  Ashley went to a cabin in Park City with her friend.  When they got there they started bringing things up to the cabin on a snowmobile.  (I've done this a million times!)  Ashley didn't know how to ride a snowmobile, but her friends dad wanted her to drive a load of stuff anyway.  Her friend told her dad that Ashley should just ride behind her, but he said she could do it.  Ashley totally didn't want to, but she is a people pleaser and didn't want to say no.  She drove the snowmobile up toward the cabin, but no one had shown her how to use it.  When she got close to the cabin she ended up revving the engine and then tried to stop.  She hit the gas instead of the break and went full speed into a pole.  The pole shattered (and it probably saved her life), she then hit the deck with her forehead.  She was thrown off the snowmobile into a rock wall.  This is where it gets totally crazy!  The parents (one is a doctor, the other is a nurse), just put Ashley on the couch with an ice pack.  They called Jacqui and told her Ashley had an accident.  They said maybe they should come get her, but they made it sound like it was no big deal.  Jacqui scrambled for places to put her three other children then she went up to get Ashley with Jeff.  It took them about an hour and a half to get up there.  About an hour after the accident the mom called and asked if she could have any tylenol.  Holy cow!  Ashley had no pain medicine for an hour after the accident!  I can't believe the parents didn't say, "We are taking her to this hospital, you meet us there."  Nope.  Just left her on the couch while they continued unpacking.  When Jacqui and Jeff got there they were cooking dinner and asked if they wanted to stay.  Wow.  On the way to the hospital, they were trying to keep Ashley awake.  Then Ashley said, "Mom, I can't feel my toes.  Mom, my legs are tingling.  Mom!  I can't hear you.  Mom!  I can't see you!"  Her eyes were wide open.  Then she passed out.  Jacqui jumped over the seat to get to Ashley.  She wasn't breathing!  Jacqui had to do CPR on Ashley while they were driving to the hospital.  I think she didn't have a pulse for a minute and a half. Holy scary!!!  The doctor was shocked that she didn't break any bones in her neck.  It is going to be a long and painful road, but it she should make a full recovery.  It could have been so much worse.  Poor Ashley!
For Family Home Evening we made it to the ice castle.  It was about an hour away.  Preston LOVED it!  He was not ready to leave.  The other kids enjoyed it.  Jorja had a hard time.  Her back was really hurting her.  For the past few days her back has hurt her so bad.  It's weird because it won't hurt in the morning, but around lunchtime it starts to hurt. Sometimes she is crying because it hurts so much to move.  I'm not sure what to do.  She has a doctor appointment next week.  Hopefully she can make it until then.  I would take her in right away, except every morning she feels fine.  Weird.
Ice Castle
 Mike, Jorja, Maysen, Preston, Stockton (the flash was really bright!)
The 'Slot Canyon' tunnels were his favorite!

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