Monday, February 24, 2014

Dad School

Mike had the lesson for Family Home Evening tonight.  The Amazing Race started last night.  Put these two things together and you have a great lesson.  First, we are so excited about some of the teams that are on the Amazing Race.  This season is an All-Star season.  Dave and Connor get to race again!  They are the father/son team from Utah that had to pull out because Dave ruptured his achilles.  They managed to win two legs of the race while on crutches last time.  Jet and Cord are also back.  Jorja was so happy!  The globetrotters are fun as well.  So many fun teams and a few we don't like at all.

Anyway, Mike had the kids come up with things they would need to do to prepare themselves for if they were in the Amazing Race.  Things like learn to drive a stick shift and conquer your fear of heights.  He talked about how we watch at home and when someone has problems with driving a stick shift we all groan and make comments like, "Come on! You knew this was coming.  Haven't you ever seen the show?"

Mike then talked about what we need to do to prepare ourselves to make it to the Celestial Kingdom. Keeping the commandments, being obedient, loving Heavenly Father and His Son, loving Heavenly Father's children, learning to listen to the Holy Ghost.  Heavenly Father must get so annoyed with us when we stumble in these basic things.  "Come on!  You knew this was coming?  Haven't your parents taught you what you should do?  Why are you trying to do this alone? Don't you know the Holy Ghost will help you know what you should do?"

Mike also talked about the things that need to be done to prepare to go to college or live on their own.  Then we watched the Amazing Race. What a great Family Home Evening!

On Saturday Mike started doing "Dad School" with the kids.  He started teaching them Linux.  They seemed to have a good time and Mike loved doing it.  Jorja and Preston begged for more Dad School today.  Preston especially loves it.  This time Mike taught just Jorja and Preston because this lesson was geared specifically to running Minecraft.  He was teaching them how they can start their own servers.  Mike said they were so good!  It was cute because both of them were taking notes. What a fun thing to do with dad!

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