Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Busy Day

I got up bright and early for my exercise class.  It is almost over, so today was the 'after' picture day.  Good thing I prepared for it by eating a ton of candy last night.  I'm smart like that.  Reese's peanut butter eggs are delicious.  As are robin eggs and chocolate covered almonds. Those were the treats I got for my YW last night.  Anyway, here is how my day went.  I came home and got the kids off to school.  Took a quick shower, ran to the store to buy stamps and then went to Preston's class to volunteer.  I was there for about 45 minutes, then I went to Jorja's class to give her the stamp she needed today.  I asked her teacher if anyone needed help with their math.  They did.  Jorja was in Chinese, so I helped some of the kids in the other class with their math.  The classes then switched and Mrs. VanWagoner asked if I could come back after lunch.  I ran home and ate something and then came straight back.  I re-taught several kids the math until school was over.  They were working on multiplying and dividing fractions.  It is so awesome when the kids finally get it.  A couple really struggled.  One little boy kept putting zeros in his fractions.  When he would reduce things to 1, he would take it a step further and reduce it to 0.  I kept telling him, "Zeros are bad!  We hate zeros.  We love ones.  Stop when you get there."  I also showed him why the answer is one and not zero.  The next problem, he would have zeros all over his fractions.  Oh boy.  A few had such a hard time changing the mixed number to a improper fraction.  They couldn't understand why the denominator would stay the same.  They kept putting a one under it, no matter what the number originally was.  I was telling them that one doesn't belong there.  They said, "I thought you loved ones."  Haha!  More pictures trying to explain why those two numbers don't make sense.  The two who were struggling with this concept were so close to understanding when school ended.  I hope they worked on it at home, because they are almost there....but not quite yet.  Jorja's teacher said, "Wow.  You were here all day.  Wow."  My plan was to do laundry today.  That didn't quite happen.

Soon after I got home, Bubs came over.  We watched their kids so they could go on a late Valentine date.  Bubs & Ange brought Little Caesars pizza.  My kids loved that!  Ange said Millie needed a diaper change, so she was going to do that before she left.  I told her I would change the diaper.  Millie was so sad to see them go.  I laid her down for the diaper change and she threw up everywhere!  Bubs and Ange were still in the driveway.  Oh boy.  I got her in the bathtub and she threw up one more time before I got her in there.  She hated the bath, but I got her all clean.  I put a diaper on her and wrapped her in a towel and held her on the couch.  The doorbell rang a few minutes later.  One of the kids answered the door and let Abel and his mom in.  I stayed where I was on the couch and said, "I'm sorry about the throw up on the floor.  I will be getting to it in a minute."  What a way to make a good impression! Abel is Preston's friend from school and he was dropping off a birthday party invitation.  I don't think Millie was sick.  I think she was so upset about her parents leaving that she threw up.  Ange said this is the second time that has happened.  Also, Millie HATES baths!

About the time Mike came home Maysen mentioned how she thought it was Parent-Teacher conference today.  I have been anxious to go to this conference.  I thought, "No, your parent-teacher conference isn't until the end of February."  Holy cow!  It's the end of February!  I looked up on-line and saw the conference is today and tomorrow.  Mike said he would watch everyone while I head down there and talk to some of the teachers.  I just needed to be back by 7:30.  I was able to talk to Stockton's math teacher.  He said Stockton is doing wonderful.  I then talked to Maysen's psychology teacher.  Maysen loves the class, but has a C+ right now.  When I told him I was Maysen's mom he mentioned what a wonderful student she is and how she loves learning.  I said, "Well, she has a C+ in the class right now."  He said, "You should see the other students grades."  I told him she wasn't allowed to use the computer until she got her grade up.  He said he would hate it if she was being punished for something he is slow to do.  I understand that, but we are also trying to teach Maysen not to let her grade get that low in the first place.  He did tell me that he was sure she would have an A at the end of the term.  That is nice, but it is only three weeks away.

I also talked to Maysen's English teacher.  She was shocked when I told her Maysen was going to take regular English next year.  The only choices for 11th grade are AP and regular.  She does not want to take AP.  Her teacher started shaking her head and said, "She can't.  She just can't.  It will drive her crazy.  I'm going to talk to her counselor and see what I can do about it."  That sounds like fun.  They should just let her take the college class that only 12th graders can take.  I'm pretty sure she would knock that out of the park.

The last teacher I talked to today was Maysen's French/Creative Writing teacher.  She told me how well Maysen is doing in French. Which is weird, because Maysen really struggles.  She was sad that Maysen isn't signed up for French 4.  I'm not going to force Maysen to take it if she really doesn't like it.  Somethings are not negotiable, but she got her two years in - I'm okay with that.  Her teacher also commented on what an amazing writer Maysen is.  She said, "I can teach how to write, but I can't teach ideas.  Maysen has great ones."  Nice.

I arrived home right as Bubs and Ange were leaving.  I also passed Mike on the way out the door.  Morning George.  He was headed to an Elders Quorum meeting.  Once he was home he ended up working until about one in the morning.  What a busy day!

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