Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Worst. Mom. Ever.

I totally blew it!  Here is an example of something that would have never happened with Maysen.  Preston brought home a folder last week saying he would be the 'star student' for the following week.  There was a cute poster all about him that he was asked to color and bring back Monday.  Along with a note from him mom about him and pictures of him and his family.  There were other activities to do for the rest of the week.  This morning when I was giving him a bath it dawned on me that we didn't send Preston with his star student folder.  We hadn't even done any of the activities.  I didn't even know where the folder was anymore!  I gasped and said, "Oh no Preston!  I forgot about the star student!"  Preston, as sweet as he could be, said, "It's okay Mom, they didn't get mad at me."  I was getting flustered and started tearing up. How could I have forgotten?  Where did I put the folder?  It is now Tuesday morning, is there any way I can salvage this?  Preston then says, "Mom, it's okay.  Don't cry." I love him.  I love that he doesn't hold my shortcomings against me.  Love, love, love that boy.

I did manage to find the folder.  I put it on the shelf with the library books and other items I don't want to lose.  I had to take Stockton to school, so I had Maysen (thank goodness for late start!) and Jorja help him with his poster thing.  We didn't get any pictures, but I did manage to get a note written...

Dear Preston's Class,

Preston is the most amazing boy in the entire world.  Well, at least his is in the top 10.  Preston was born in Georgia.  He moved to Utah when he was three years old.  He is now 6 years old, but he will turn 7 on Sunday.  Preston LOVES completely.  He is always telling his family how much he loves them.  His family thinks he is the greatest. Preston is always trying to tell funny jokes.  When people laugh he will tell the same joke over and over hoping for the same response. Preston loves dogs.  He can't have his own real dog because his mom hates dogs.  They are gross.  Especially when they lick her toes. Preston does have a favorite stuffed animal.  It is a dog.  Surprise!  His name is Shiver.  He got this dog for Christmas when he was two.  The dog is now falling apart.  Doesn't matter to Preston.  He loves Shiver so much.  For his birthday last year, we gave him a new Shiver. Preston will bring those dogs to school on Thursday.  It is funny to see what Shiver once looked like.  Shiver has sure been loved!  Another thing that Preston has loved to pieces is his blanket.  His great-grandma gave him a blanket when he was a baby.  He sleeps with it every night and carries it around all the time.  Only a few threads now hold the blanket together.  Doesn't matter to Preston.  He loves that blanket.

That is a few facts about Preston.  I hope you love him as much as we do!

Love, Preston's Mom

I can't believe I messed up his 'Star Student' week.  It was already going to be short because they don't have school on Friday.  Oh well.  At least Preston wasn't mad at me.

Tonight Stockton and Mike went to the 100 years in scouting event. They both loved it.  I had Young Womens' with Maysen.  I was in charge of the joint activity.  I was asked to do a missionary activity.  It turned out really well.  The first counselor talked first about her mission and preparing for a mission.  Doesn't matter if you go on one, but preparing for one will help you throughout your life.  Then my Beehive presidency each gave a short message.  They had all picked an article about missionary work to focus on.  We then did a roll play activity. Jacqui had come up with different situations (grocery shopping, riding an airplane, water skiing etc.).  One girl would randomly pick one.  The other girl would pick a gospel topic to bring up in the situation that had already been picked.  It was pretty funny.  The girls had a great time with that!  We ended with a lot of the girls giving an example of a gross food or weird experience a missionary they knew has had.  (We asked the girls to come prepared with this information.)  It was silly.  We then played dinner dice with some food I picked up at Ocean Mart.  Squid crackers, squid shreds, seaweed, yam cookies, roasted anchovies....things like that.  It was pretty fun.  I was glad it turned out so well.  I do have a great group of girls and some very helpful leaders I work with.  That makes everything so much easier!

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