Sunday, August 4, 2013

Preston's Talk

Preston was asked to give a talk today in primary.  The topic was prayer. He wrote the talk himself, with me transcribing it for him.  He did great, even though he spoke a little too close to the microphone.  Mike showed Preston some pictures he took.  Preston said, "I was hoping you would record it!"  Luckily, his mom had that covered!  Anyway, here is the transcription of his talk.

I have a favorite stuffed dog named Shiver.  I got him for Christmas when I was two.  I like to play with him all day and sleep with him at night.  One day I lost him.  I felt very bad.  Then I said a prayer to Heavenly Father.  I asked Him to help me feel better and to help me find Shiver.  Then I found him in a bush.  I felt good and I knew Heavenly Father answered my prayer.  In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

I don't remember the episode Preston was talking about, he has lost Shiver SO MANY TIMES!  Only because he carries him around constantly.

Tonight my family came over for dinner.  My dad made Hawaiian Haystacks.  They were so good!  Mike and I played Matt in a game of Dominion.  I thought I was ahead, so I ended the game.  I wasn't! I was tied with Matt.  The rules say we should "rejoice in our shared victory". Matt thinks that is ridiculous.  He has made up his own tie breaker rules.  Similar to college football.  We each have a turn and see who is ahead.  I had a horrible hand, so Matt ended up winning.  He was so proud.

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