Saturday, April 27, 2013

Try Again

Preston was so excited that he got in the tree himself today.  He wanted me to take his picture.  He even had me video him, but I'm not going to put that on here.  He thinks he is pretty hot stuff!
I took Preston with me to a wedding shower.  He was a good sport. Mostly I wanted him with me because I knew Jorja wanted to ride her bike.  Preston always wants to follow Jorja around, but he is a lot slower on his bike than she is.  I didn't want to worry about him chasing Jorja and getting into dangerous situations.  So, he came with me.

I picked Mike up at the airport at 2:30.  Yay!  When he was in Detroit, he got the results of his test.  He didn't pass.  He is so disappointed! Mike scored 200 out of 300 on the first part of his test.  He needed 210 to pass.  He had a perfect score on the second part of his test.  He has no idea what went wrong.  Everything was working when he finished. (It is a hands on test.)  The only thing he can think of is maybe he set up something wrong at the beginning and when the computer was restarted it didn't work.  Although he restarted it several times when he was taking the test.  Maybe he broke something right at the end.  Too bad he has no clue what happened.  Boy oh boy is he disappointed though.  He is going to try to retake the test, but the next time it is offered is in August.  That is a long time to have this hanging over him. Also, it is on the East Coast.  This trip was paid for by Overstock, but to retake the test, we will have to pay for the cost (testing cost, flight and hotel).  So sad.  Mike's first certification expires soon.  He will need to go to California to re-certify.  The company won't pay for that one.  It makes sense.  Mike won't be getting any extra knowledge, the certification is just purely to benefit him. Anyway, maybe we will go as a family and make a trip of it this summer.  I feel so sad for Mike.  I know he studied so hard this week.  He is so disappointed and a little embarrassed.

You may wonder why I decided to blog about this.  I did this for my kids. I need them to know that it is okay to fail at things.  You just pick yourself up and try again.  I need them to know that their dad works hard and isn't always perfect.  The reason they need to know this is they are going to fail at something in life.  When that happens, I need them to know it is okay.  Life will go on.  They are still awesome.  All four of my kids idolize their dad, with good reason.  He is amazing.  I want them to become just like him.  What a blessed life I live!

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