Saturday, April 13, 2013

Dropping Everything

Last night while we were at the play, Mike called my brothers and asked if they could come and help us today.  My brothers dropped everything and came and helped.  How cool is that?  We are so thankful!  We definitely couldn't have done everything by ourselves.  I am planning on putting a lot of pictures up of the work they did today.  Do not look any further if this is going to make you too sad.  (Jorja, you might not want to see these.)  We showed Jorja a few pictures and she started crying.  I asked the kids if they wanted to come up, but none of them did. Understandable.
Matt & Mike - family room
 Bubs and Grandpa - basement
I don't know why I liked this, but I did.  Someone wrote, "This wall WOOD"  I just thought that was really cool to come across 35+ years later.
 'Wood' wall in the basement
 Bubs and my dad
This next picture makes me a little sad.  I don't have the words to convey what I feel when I look at this picture.  Sad but not devastated.  Lonely but not alone.  I guess Mike looks vulnerable to me here.  I sure do love him.  We had a lot of wonderful memories here.  Memories are forever - just like families.
 I couldn't resist one last picture out the skylight.
 Mike - family room
He was able to get the rock from the fireplace.
Maybe we can put it on our fireplace?
 Wow.  Look at that kitchen.
 Mike and Matt
 The dining room still looks pretty.
Sherry got the rock from the floor.  She paid this nice worker to get it out for her.  Smart girl!
 Front room
 Deck with the Tree Spirit looking on
 Girls' bathroom
Mike's dad came up for awhile.  This must be really hard for him, but Mike said he did okay.  Scoop came straight from his friend's funeral. Ironic.
 Scoop on his old driveway
I was able to go to my nieces baby shower today.  Melissa is having a baby girl in May!  (Melissa is Lisa's oldest daughter.  Lisa is Mike's oldest sister.)

Our house is filled with random cabinets.  I wonder how long our dining area will look like this?  Preston doesn't seem to mind.
 What's not to love about this arrangement?
What a crazy day.  Never in my wildest dreams would I have pictured that this is how we would spend our weekend.  I do wish I could have gone to Aubrey's baptism.  I was completely planning on it.  Yesterday night I knew there was no way I could swing it.  This was important to Mike.  I'm glad he was able to take a little home with him.

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