Saturday, March 2, 2013


Grandma Parry turns 90 today!  That is not terrible, that is awesome! My grandma is the best.  I am so lucky to have her in my life.  She is pure love.  I love every second I get to spend with her.  I'm thankful I can now see her more than twice a year!  Best Grandma ever!  My grandma and grandpa just had their 100th descendent born on Wednesday.  A little girl named Iriel.  How cool is that!?!
Grandma and Maysen
Preston had a melt down before bed.  We were reading scriptures. Stockton laughed at the name Maher-shalal-hash-baz.  (We are in Isaiah.)  Preston wanted to read the funny name so he started crying. He cried softly and we were able to keep reading.  We asked him if he wanted to read verse 5, which was really short.  Nope.  So, without thinking, after I read Mike started reading . . . skipping Preston's turn. Not a good idea.  At all.  Boy did that make him mad!  I was able to calm him down and have him read a chapter of Magic Tree House to me. Every time the word is 'monk' he says 'monkey' and laughs.  This is going to be a long book.

Anyway, when I was tucking Preston in bed he sniffled, "I have a terrible life."  Now that is a little dramatic.  Who knew getting skipped in scripture study was that bad?  "My day has been horrible."  Silly little boy.

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