Friday, March 15, 2013

It's Official

Our house in Georgia officially sold today.  The papers got to them in time.  The Stephens signed them.  All is well.

After piano lessons today I took Maysen to try and get her learners permit.  Our goal was to get it before her half birthday.  You need to have your learners permit for six months before you get your license. This way, if Maysen wanted to try and get her license on her birthday she could.  We didn't have much time.  Maysen was the last test of the day.  She didn't pass.  Some of the questions she was asked were hilarious.  She got three questions about insurance.  We didn't even think to look at that section.  She said by the third question she was able to figure out that points were bad.  She got three distance questions.  How far do you park from railroad tracks, fire hydrants and the driveway of a fire station.  She got a questions asking what physical ailments she should report immediately.  The choices were mental/health, psychological, physical or all of the above.  Maysen told me, "Well, it clearly said physical ailments.  How can mental or psychological problems be physical?"  My favorite was the question of the tractor.  The question was, Does a farmer with a tractor need a drivers license?  Maysen said he did.  "I know he doesn't need a license to drive his tractor on his farm, but he will need a license if he was going to drive anywhere else."  True.  I love her mind.

Stockton is at an overnight camp right now.  They are going to sleep in snow caves.  I hope he isn't cold.  He was really excited about this camp for some reason.  Maybe because it is at Isaac's cabin, and Isaac's cabin is awesome.  I'm really excited that he is really excited.  That doesn't happen every day!

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