Thursday, January 17, 2013


Stockton came in 2nd place in his school spelling bee today.  The sad thing is there was only 3 people competing.  It doesn't matter how many there are, it only matters if there is someone else that can spell.  Luck is so much apart of spelling bees.  Luck has been on Stockton's side before, but it wasn't on his side today.  I know he was disappointed. Especially since they didn't even go off of the list.  The unlucky thing for him was his word was mispronounced.  It was pronounced 'extent'. That is how Stockton spelled it.  I wish he had asked for alternate pronunciations, but everything was moving so fast.  With only two people in it for quite awhile they were spelling words as fast as I could write them down.  I think that is why Stockton didn't hesitate when he heard extent.  That is obviously the way to spell it.  I didn't know enough about the word to know if I could challenge it.  Or if Stockton would want me to.  Anyway, when we got home we looked up the pronunciation.  It is pronounced either 'ek-stuh nt' or 'ik-stant'.  I always pronounced it the second way and Stockton never missed it once.  Stockton was a really good sport though.  He congratulated the other girl and didn't complain once.  Life isn't fair, spelling bees aren't always fair.  At least our life is awesome.  I sure do love him.

After the bee our next stop was Cold Stone.  Mike and Christen gave Stockton a gift certificate for Christmas.  (Well, one of their kids did, but I can't remember which one!)  Thank you for the kind gift.  Today was the perfect day for us to use it.  Nothing can take the sting of a bee away like chocolate!
 Preston, Stockton, Maysen

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