Sunday, December 16, 2012


It is truly paradise at the cabin.  Our cabin is named Parrydise.  Fitting. We had the best day today!  What a way to spend a Sunday!  My family and Brett's family spent the night here.  This morning, John's family, my dad, Matt and Sam all came up.  My dad got permission from his Bishop to have a mini-sacrament meeting.  My dad presided, Mike and John blessed the sacrament and Stockton passed the sacrament.  My dad also was the only speaker.  The rest of the day was spent outside. Enjoying nature.
 Mike, Jorja, Maysen and Stockton
 Maysen and Jorja
 Stockton and Preston
 Mike, Jorja, Maysen, Preston, Stockton
 Maysen and Preston
 Maysen, Preston . . . . . Stockton
Jorja was so good at standing up on the sled.  I have never made it down as far as she did while standing up.  She was also great at the little yellow ski board.  She made it down the entire sled hill on it!  We need to start her in snowboarding!  She will love it!
Rachel rarely rode the 4 wheeler up the hill.  She would take off running and was so fast!  She is a little slower when she is dragging a small child, but boy did she get some good exercise!
Rachel and Marie
 John and Mallory
 Rachel and Marie
 Marie was such a giggle monster as she was sledding.  Awesome!
 Brett and Mina
 Maysen and Jorja
 John and Mallory
 Rachel and Marie
 Sorry . . . couldn't pick my favorite . . .
 John, Mallory and Maysen
 John and Mallory
 Rachel, Marie, Brett, Mina (Stockton and Preston)
 Rachel, Marie, Brett, Mina
 Stockton taking Marie down the hill - yikes!
John and Mallory are at the bottom.
 Brett and Mina, Rachel
 Brett and Mina
I know!  I know!  I take too many pictures!  I just love this place and these people so much I can't help it!  Thank you to everyone who made this wonderful day possible!

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