Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Dark Ages

Preston has met a new friend named Blake.  He lives down the street. Blake invited Preston over to play today.  I let Preston go over there for about thirty minutes and he had a great time.  I hope Blake is a good influence in Preston.  He seems like a good kid.  I'm sure he is, but sometimes it is scary to let you kids get new friends.  Kind of crazy.  I want them to have friends, but I want to control their environment. Then they have to go and grow up on me.  I am not liking this growing up part.  I only have four more years until Maysen graduates high school.  Makes me sick to my stomach to even think about it.

Stockton did two new dives today.  He did a one and a half pike off of the three meter.  He also did a reverse off of the three meter.  He said he wanted to do a reverse.  Monica had wanted him to do it a few lessons ago, but Stockton did not.  So, during his free dives he decided just to go for it.  He said he just flung himself backwards and thought, "I can't get out of it now!"  I don't think I would ever be brave enough to try something like that!

My Dominion game came today!  I finished my physical goals yesterday.  My last goal to pass off was to run to the guard gate and back.  It was a little less than 3 miles.  Not too long, but incredibly long for me!  I did it!  Without stopping.  I did not think I would be able to do that.  I listened to 1776 while I was running.  I don't enjoy listening to music, but I do like books.  Books seem to take me out of my misery and I can forget how much I don't enjoy running.

Preston was so excited that the game was going to come today.  The only problem was it didn't come until he was asleep.  I did text Matt and he came up and played it with us.  It is called Dark Ages.  There are a lot of cards in there.  We will see how much we enjoy this expansion the more we play it.  Matt won.  I almost had him and he didn't know it. This game was incredibly hard to keep score.  Pretty fun though.  I can't wait to play it with Preston!

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