Monday, August 6, 2012

100 Miles

My visiting teacher came over today.  Sister Perry.  She has seven children, but they are all grown now.  Sister Perry and her husband just turned in their mission papers and she is really excited about that.  They are hoping to go to Thailand.  Anyway, Sister Perry is going to spend most of this next month in Colorado.  This Saturday her husband, her son and her daughter are all going to compete in a 100 mile mountain bike race.  Her son has won this race twice, but this time Lance Armstrong will be competing there.  About a week after this race, her husband is going to compete in a 100 mile race . . . on foot!  What?  I didn't know people even did that!  That's more than three marathons back to back to back.  Brother Perry is hoping to finish it in under 24 hours.  Why?  Why would anyone want to do that?

1 comment:

brett said...

Steph, it talks about that 100-mile Colorado run in a pretty cool book that I read called "Born to Run."

This book also makes you want to buy those 5-finger shoes...