Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Service Auction

We had a combined Young Women and Relief Society activity today. It was really, really fun. We had a service auction. You earned points if you made your bed, had your homework done, did dishes, even if you had milk in the fridge. One even said, "10 points if you need more points". We turned in our points for pretend money. Then we each had an auction paddle and were able to buy different donated items. Maysen and I donated homemade bread and brownies. The auction started off a little slow. Items were going for about $40. Then came Zoe's cookies. Maysen wanted them. So did Sister Beaudoin. Maysen ended up winning them for around $300. I looked over at Zoe and she was beaming. After that, the auction really took off. I saved all my 'money' for a haircut. I got it! I never get around to cutting my hair. I try to have it cut at least once every other year. The last time it was cut was right after we moved to Utah, but before we moved to this house. I have a ton of split ends that are driving me crazy. Anyway, a free haircut was perfect for me. Maysen and I also came away with a box of delicious cookies (from Zoe's mom....they are awesome cooks), and homemade cinnamon bread that will be delivered to us sometime in the future. Zoe asked Maysen what kind of cookies she wants. We will also get sugar cookies delivered to us. Pretty successful evening. I had a lot of fun with Maysen, she is really fun to be around.

One of the questions on our point sheet was '15 points if you haven't yelled today' - or something like that. When I was tucking Maysen in bed we were telling Jorja about our activity. I mentioned that question and said, "Wait, Maysen have you ever yelled?" I seriously don't remember her ever yelling. She is not perfect, but she rarely loses her temper . . . when she does, she doesn't yell. Maysen laughed and told me a few times when she yelled - she was about five or six. Wow. Wish I had that superpower. Granted, I don't yell now - but that was not the case as I was growing up!

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