Friday, March 9, 2012


Maysen and I went and watched Erica in Cinderella. We enjoyed ourselves a lot. Erica was so cute passing out flowers to everyone. Maysen got a kick out of the wicked stepsisters. One of them was a boy dressed as a girl. He was a crack up! After the play, Shannon, Erica, Maysen and I went to Arctic Circle. Yummy!
Maysen & Erica
Erica's bio.
In other news . . . We bought tickets to Japan! I'm so excited!!! Mike, Maysen and I are going to visit Brett & Rachel in June. For all you robbers out there planning to rob our house while we are gone . . . not going to happen. My dad is going to stay here. I'm pretty sure Max and Cathy are too. Hopefully they will have a good time. I think they will enjoy the pool out back!

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