Saturday, February 4, 2012

Warm Bed

Stockton is home and is now sleeping downstairs in his warm cozy bed. Thank heavens. He arrived home around two in the afternoon. The doorbell rang and I opened it to see my sweet boy with the saddest look on his face. Plus he was covered in throw-up. I guess he threw-up in the car right as it was pulling into our driveway. I did warn the driver that he gets car sick really easy.

Mike, Stockton and I looked up what merit badges you need to get an Eagle. Mike had told Stockton that camping is a required badge. We wanted to see how many camps he will need to attend. The answer is 20 . . . well, 20 days and 20 nights. As I was putting Stockton to bed he said, "I can't believe I have to go on 20 campouts." This will definitely be the hardest merit badge for Stockton to earn. Stockton says that he likes scouts, he just doesn't like scout camp. I wish he could just go camping with us, but it specifically says these need to be taken at a scout camp. Oh boy.

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