Thursday, December 1, 2011

Super Sad Porgie Porge

I did not want to write this post today, but here we go. As I was driving in our garage after picking Stockton up from dodgeball, Jorja opened the door and was screaming. Mike was right behind her holding her shoulders. One look at her face and I immediately knew one of her frogs had died. I was hoping beyond hope that it wasn't Padz. It was. We are not sure what happened. We think the water bowl might have been tipped, or maybe he wasn't eating his crickets, since there were still a few in his cage. I'm not sure but Jorja is devastated. She kept saying things like, "I'm not a good frog owner." Although mostly it was just a painful cry of, "Padz!" We had Jorja sleep in the guest room so she wouldn't bother the other kids. I laid with her until she fell asleep. I hope she does okay in the morning.

I have been wanting her to speak more Chinese to her teacher. I told Jorja that if she speaks three sentences a day to Ms. Wu, I will get her another tree frog. (Jorja bought this one with her own money and worked so hard for it! Plus the red-eyed tree frog is her favorite frog.) I know it is only two weeks and a day for a really cool present, but Jorja will have to be really brave to talk to Ms. Wu. This is something she struggles with in English. I'm hoping this will help her get over her shyness with Ms. Wu. I'm also kind of wondering if Jorja shouldn't handle her frogs as much as she does. She is very careful and always washes her hands (without soap) before she handles them. Especially Padz. She was very careful with him. Still, it was a lot of handling, but how do you tell a Porge not to play with her frogs. I wish I knew the right answer.

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