Friday, November 4, 2011


Maysen had school today. Stockton and Jorja did not. Well, Stockton had math class, then he was home the rest of the day. I remember when I was taking Maysen and Stockton to school I thought, "Okay, I'm all done until Stockton's doctor appointment this afternoon." I guess that is the last time I thought about the doctor appointment until the doctor office called me at 3:30. I was so embarrassed! How can I be so forgetful? I ended up rescheduling Stockton's appointment for the day after Thanksgiving . . . Maysen has an appointment that day anyway.

We started gingerbread central today. Bubs and Ange came over. We were up until midnight baking gingerbread. It took a lot longer than I anticipated. We were hoping to decorate them tomorrow, but it looks like we might have to push that back. I bet the kids are going to be disappointed! They are also going to be tired. Lincoln and Preston kept talking and didn't get to sleep until 11:30. Ella and Jorja were the same. Maysen stayed up late to play a game with Mike and Bubs. Stockton was the only one who is able to sleep through chaos. That is a great talent to have.

On an exciting note, it started snowing today! It is so beautiful. I love it. Especially since I have new tires. Mike and Spencer brought in a lot of logs and got the sprinklers turned off this afternoon - so we were ready! Yay snow!

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