Saturday, October 22, 2011

Squeaky Floor

In this house, there are a lot of spots on our floors that squeak. The big ones are in the hallway (over Maysen's bed) and our room (over the boy's bed). Maysen mentioned today that when she goes to sleep she hears squeaking sounds over and over. She finds that annoying. I told her it is because after we get the kids to bed, Mike and I jump on the squeaky spots just for fun. Jorja kept saying, "Do you really do that?" Of course we didn't do that . . . but now we do. The first thing I did when I got upstairs was bounce on the squeaky spot. Mike laughed and started bouncing too. I was so amused with myself that I had tears running down my face. I could just imagine Maysen rolling her eyes as she read her book. How easy I am to entertain.

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