Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Locked Out - Again

I checked Maysen out of school fifteen minutes early so we could go to the eye doctor. She broke her glasses last week, then lost the lens. I knew I wouldn't make it home in time for the other kids, and I didn't think I would get home in time for their piano lesson. Luckily their teacher comes to our house. I put Stockton's garage door opener in a pocket in his backpack. I talked to him about it and asked him to make sure he closed the garage door after he got inside. I told him to let his piano teacher in and we should be back before his lesson was over.

Luckily we were able to get in a little early to our appointment. We made it back about ten minutes before the piano teacher was to arrive. As I pulled in the driveway, I noticed the garage door was wide open. What? I called for Stockton as I walked through the house. I heard him say, "I'm here." He was outside. He said he couldn't find the garage door opener. He had been waiting on our front porch with no coat for probably twenty minutes. Too bad he didn't know he inadvertently opened the door. It was super cold today. My poor boy was freezing when he got inside. Stockton was by himself because Jorja was at achievement days. Too bad. I think Jorja would have been able to show him where the garage door opener was because I put it in the same spot on her backpack last year. I did show Stockton where I was putting the opener before school, but he has a habit of not paying attention to me.

Things picked up before bed though. Mike took Jorja and Preston to DI. Stockton, Maysen and I played Dominion. It was really fun even though I did terrible. Stockton was able to get province cards almost every turn. Maysen almost caught him with all the gardens and dutchies she bought, but he remained victorious. Nice to have fun right before bed.

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