Sunday, September 18, 2011

Young Womens

I was given a new calling. I am now the 2nd counselor in the Young Womens' program. I have never been in Young Womens before, so this will be quite a change. I am really excited though. Too bad Maysen will only be in Beehives for a few weeks. I was able to get this a secret from Maysen for about three weeks now. She looked quite surprised when the old presidency was released and surprised again when my name was called. I really like the other women in the presidency. It sounds like a lot of work, but a lot of fun at the same time.

Jorja is still sick. She didn't have a fever at all this morning. I took her temperature about an hour before church. It was back up to 101. Great. Mike stayed with Jorja during sacrament meeting. The kids had the primary program practice today. The General Primary President was there. That was random. Something that definitely doesn't happen in Georgia.

I ran home (literally) after I was set apart to check on Jorja. I needed to be at Young Womens to be introduced, so I just made sure she was okay and then drove back. When the girls separated to their classes I went home. I told Jorja about my new calling. She said, "Hummpf. No one ever gets to be my teacher." I was quite positive this would be her reaction. She has been very jealous that Mike is Stockton's teacher.

I should end this post by mentioning Stockton won Dominion twice. All claims of, "I never win" will no longer be tolerated.

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