Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Rock, Paper, Scissors

Preston gathered rocks, papers and scissors and insisted on playing the game holding up the correct prop. He was on one side of the counter and I was on the other. He LOVED it and was very proud of himself.

Jorja came home sick from school today. She was feeling quite warm, so I wanted to know what her temperature was. None of our thermometers worked. I swear, I have the worst luck with thermometers. I had to get a few things at the store, so I ran out and picked one up while I was gone. Jorja was asleep when I got back. I snuck into her room and tried to take her temperature. She looked at me, but I was able to get her to go back to sleep. When the thermometer started beeping I bolted out of the room to take a look. That's when I realized I had taken her temperature in Celsius. Seriously? Why would I even want to do that? Shouldn't the default be Fahrenheit? She was 39 degrees. Hope she feels better in the morning. I wish I could convince her to take some medicine.

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