Thursday, September 15, 2011

Picture Labelers

We have a gazillion pictures. It has been years since I have taken the time to label them. Mike set up a program so the kids could label the pictures. They earn points. It's a whole complicated system, but whoever has the high score gets their name and score scrawled across the sign in our playroom. Apparently that is sufficient motivation as all the kids were enjoying labeling these pictures. Stockton's were pretty funny. For example, there is a picture of Miah and Jorja in front of this rock pile in our backyard. Stockton named it 'rocks'. He changed his tune once he found out you get a point for every word. The pictures also come up randomly, so you will see a picture of Stockton as a baby and the next one will be him diving. It's quite fun actually . . . for us. I'm sure people who don't know us would have no desire to look at these pictures.

Stockton is not enjoying school right now. Middle School he has no problem with, except maybe the math is too easy. Elementary School is driving him crazy. Especially annoying people. I took Stockton to Zupa's and See's chocolate after school. He needed it. I also had him sit in the front seat so we could talk easier. It was awesome. I loved having him talk to me and I loved not feeling like a chauffeur. I took Maysen shopping this evening and had her sit in the front. Much more enjoyable.

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