Saturday, September 10, 2011

Field of Flags

Maysen wanted to go to this 9-11 field they have. I think they have flags for every victim. They put their names on the flags and a little information about them. I think it would have been really interesting. Mike took Maysen after their fencing class.
Today is my dad's 68th birthday. Wow! He's getting old! He also had his 50th high school reunion today. We watched Max for him while he was there.

Steve & Sherry (Mike's brother and sister) and their families came over for tacos and swimming. Jorja and Miah played for a long time. It was really sweet to watch the two of them playing together. I feel bad that they barely know each other. They are the same age and in the same grade at school, Miah is going to be baptized in a few weeks. I am excited for them to become better friends.

We did have fun today. Matt came over for the first time. He picked up Connor and they drove up to Idaho Falls for a mission farewell. When I say they drove, I mean Connor was doing the driving. How in the heck did he get old enough to drive?

Right now I am listening to Max and Preston in the guest room. They are not sleeping. It is almost 11:00, I can't believe Preston hasn't crashed. Hopefully he won't be a monster tomorrow.

1 comment:

Rachel B said...

I love that Maysen is interested in 9/11, seeing as she was so young. There has been alot of talk about how the younger generation doesn't care. good job Maysen, you rock.