Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Walk Through

Maysen and I were able to walk through her school today. We had her schedule, her locker & combination number and a map. At Maysen's old school, they received their schedule on the first day, and their lockers at the end of the first month. Let me just say that I like this way better. We also found out that they have a pizza option every day. Stockton is going to be jealous! We have a few more things we need to do before school starts, but we are getting there. My main task is to figure out Stockton's math. I talked to the Vice Principal of the middle school today. I had Stockton's CRCT results from 4th grade (perfect score) and his AI test from earlier this year. I don't have his CRTs he took this year yet. I called and asked if they could send them right away. Hopefully I'll have those results soon, but I would prefer to know what options I have as soon as possible. I guess I'll just wait and see....

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