Saturday, June 25, 2011


The kids had fun last night. Jorja crashed around 1:30. Mike was still up so he took a picture.
Maysen fell asleep around 5:30. Stockton & Maysen took turns poking each other to keep awake. Sounds like torture to me, but they insist they had a good time. I didn't get a picture of Maysen. She was wrapped in a giant blanket and sleeping on the couch upstairs when I woke up. Stockton was wide awake and playing his computer. I asked if I could borrow his computer for a bit. His computer is the easiest way for me to upload pictures. He was so happy and let me use it. About ten minutes later I was done . . . and so was he. I found him crashed at the side of the guest bed.
We would find the kids asleep in random places throughout the rest of the day. Pretty funny.
Mike and I did get a ton more done on the house. More books put away. Pictures moved. We still don't know where to hang all our pictures. We have a lot less wall space, so we need to figure out what we want up and what we don't.

Maysen and I went clothes shopping today. She did really well and wasn't grouchy at all! It was really nice that the store was not crowded. I think that made a big difference. We also went and got her a new watch. This is the third time I bought this same watch. Hopefully it won't get lost because she really likes it. At least it is only ten dollars.

Mike got a new toy yesterday and had it up and running today. He bought a portable shower. It hooks to a propane tank so the water is warm. After the kids were in bed Mike and I went swimming. The pool was warm just like I like it! I tried to do all the different strokes that I watch Jorja do. They are hard! I need to learn them so that I can exercise in the pool when I am 70. I'm guessing it will be easier to learn them now. After swimming we tried out Mike's new shower to rinse off. I am a fan. It was a.w.e.s.o.m.e. Seriously. I love it. This is going to be so great for the kids. I make them get in the bathtub to rinse their hair. Later in the day they will want to go swimming but say, "I already had a bath." Hopefully this will help. Even if it doesn't, I love it!

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