Monday, June 20, 2011

Hole in the House

Seriously, Mike put a hole in our house . . . on purpose. More about that later. First, I am so excited because my friend Amy from Georgia came to visit! Amy is the greatest. Seriously. Besides being able to make me laugh, a great listener and super fun to be around, she is the most amazing teacher ever. Stockton has always adored her. Ever since she was his nursery teacher. I remember when I first met her. Stockton's old nursery teacher was saying some negative things about Stockton. I just stared at her. Amy came up to me and said, "I just want you to know Stockton is the sweetest little boy and I just love him." Easy to see why I just love Amy too. Stockton adores her. Stockton can tell pretty quickly what your expectations are and how you feel about him. If you feel like you wish Stockton wasn't here because he is going to be hard . . . he makes your life hard. If you love him, he can tell that right away and will do just about anything for you. Stockton would do just about anything for Amy. Amy also was his CTR 5 teacher, then Valiant 10 teacher. I would have loved for Amy to be his 5th grade teacher, but that didn't work out....but moving to Utah did! Anyway, there are no words to describe Amy, just trust me - she's amazing.
Stephanie & Amy
Maysen and Spencer have been good friends for many years. They were in 1st and 2nd grades together, then Spencer went to a different school. Maysen likes to play Age of Mythology with him and other such nonsense. Maysen couldn't believe Spencer was as tall as I was. When we left he was Maysen's height. At least that is our recollection!
Spencer & Maysen
I pulled out one of Maysen's swimming suits for Rachel to use and one of Preston's for Robbie. We had fun out by the pool! Amy and I sat and talked while the kids swam. The only flaw in my plan was Preston wanted me to swim. I wanted to talk to Amy. Preston wanted to go in the deep end but I wouldn't let him without me or a life vest.....
Now to the hole in the house. There is a hole in my house. Mike put it there. He wants to put a door from our bathroom to outside so that when we are swimming you don't have to traipse all through the house. I suggested the idea to Mike but had no idea he would take me seriously. When will I learn?
Mike loves his tools
Now that's a mischievous look...I should call him Preston
Preston loves to 'help' Mike when he works with tools. He also likes to be the first to do anything.
Mike & Preston
Preston's first through the hole in the house!
Mike ~ seriously tired of the camera
One more because the trees are pretty
Do you want to see what the final product looks like? So do I.


brett said...


Brett - Rachel B said...

oh that Mike! I love it. Very inspiring- and destructive!