Monday, May 9, 2011

Coupon Book

The kids made me coupon books in primary yesterday for Mother's Day. I can't find Preston's now. I put it in the diaper bag to be safe. We were walking home in the rain. Maybe I'll run across it one day. I did get coupon's from Jorja and Stockton. They were a little different in their approach. Jorja had coupons like, "I will help you clean. Expires 1/1/13,999" and "I will love you. Expires never." Stockton's coupons all expired yesterday. They were things like, "20% at Wal-mart", "Half Price at Target", "Buy one get one free at Best Buy" "$5.00 off at McDonalds"....etc.... How sweet....

1 comment:

Natalie said...

hahahaha, Stockton. Jorja's are so cute.