Sunday, April 24, 2011


We packed this Easter with as much fun as we could. It was awesome. Too bad Mike & John and their families couldn't be here with us. This morning, my dad came over and cooked breakfast. Waffles and Apple Pancakes. DELICIOUS! This afternoon we headed up to Provo to listen to Glade & Diane's talk about their mission in Mongolia. It was really interesting and as an added bonus, Brett got to see a lot of Idaho people. I cornered Grandpa before he left and got a cute picture of him, Maire and Mina.

This afternoon my family came over to my house. We had a giant Easter Egg hunt in our backyard. Jorja and I had written names on the Easter eggs, so the kids had to find the eggs with their own name on them. Each one had about 35- 40 eggs....except Mina and Abigail...they had about five. I think everyone had a great time, but Mike hid Stockton & Maysen's pretty hard. Next time I will have to pay attention to how many eggs are hidden. I think it would be nice to know when you have found them all.

The real star of the party was the little jeeps you could ride. The little kids had such pure joy shown on their face as they drove them around. Ella went straight for the swimming pool, but Brett ran after her and stopped the jeep before she actually went in. That was when I gave her a lesson on how to stop the jeep. She wasn't fazed at all and had a great time.

We didn't stay up late and play games tonight. We were quite exhausted. The Pirate game yesterday lasted until 2 in the morning! Matt won when I damaged Mike with a stormy seas card. Then I attacked a merchant and he ran away! Mike couldn't get him because he was damaged, so he sailed to Matt and ended the game. Matt was quite pleased.

Anyway, here are a ton of pictures from our awesome, awesome day!

Mina, Grandpa & Marie

Stockton...his egg was at the bottom of the window well
Maysen & Mike...her egg was up a tree
Brett & Marie
Lincoln & Ella
Abbs & Ella
Max & Ella
That's all folks!


Oregon Millburns said...

That makes me so sad we couldn't be there. :( The pictures are awesome!!! You got great ones Steph! Thanks!

Natalie said...

How fun! I love those pictures! The one of Lincoln and Ella in the jeep made me laugh. They look like they're having the time of their lives. I can't believe how pretty Mina and Marie are. Well I guess I can cuz they have gorgeous parents! I think Stockton and Lincoln look soooo much alike!