Thursday, January 6, 2011

Science and Art

I have absolutely loved doing homeschool with Maysen and Stockton. It does take all my time, but I have enjoyed it so much. I do have a problem though. I hate science and art. Hate might be an understatement. I feel bad because I'm sure my hatred of science has rubbed off on Maysen. She is really good at science, even scored a perfect on the CRCT, but claims she hates it. She says, "Just because I'm good at it doesn't mean I like it." and "Why am I good at all the things I hate?" Although if I used this reasoning she would hate art too. If I would have to choose, I would pick science over art. I really hate art or anything crafty....unless someone is standing by my side guiding me through the whole process - that I can tolerate, but just barely.

Anyway, the entire point of the above paragraph is, the kids are behind on their math and science. Grades come out next week and I need to get them caught up. We did a whole lot of science today. After work, Mike did a whole lot of art with them at the new house. Tomorrow will probably be pretty much the same. Curse my procrastination skills!


Christen said...

I just asked Mike if he thought he was observant and he said yes. I laughed and asked him where the pencil sharpener is at the cabin. He said, "Behind the door in the laundry room." Really? "Yes." He was so sure of it. Haha!! And now he's saying(bc I told him he was wrong), "but then again, why would I need a pencil sharpener at the cabin? Please. Ask me where the important things are like the snowmobiles and games and ping pong paddles and toilets." HAHA!!

Stephanie said...

That's funny! I'm with Mike, I know where the important things are!