Sunday, December 5, 2010


Preston was being spotlighted in Primary at church today. He worked on his paper during the week and had it all ready in the red folder. I was a little slow getting him to primary. We ran into the Webelo leader, so we were busy figuring out things for Stockton. When I got Preston to primary, they were in the middle of saying the prayer. We waited outside the door. When the prayer was over, I handed the red folder to Preston and said, "Go quickly to your seat." It was so quiet when Preston walked in. He marched up the middle isle, raised the red folder and yelled, "Surprise!" Oh man! So much for being inconspicuous.

We had dinner at my dad's house. Ribs and scones. YUMMY! There were other things too, but who cares when there are ribs and scones? After dinner, Mike, Maysen, Matt, Elroy and I played pirates. It was a pretty pathetic showing, but I realized I was going to win when the cards were gone. Both Elroy and Matt would have their turn, I thought I had it. I didn't count on Elroy attacking Mike and losing. Mike got 1/2 his loot and won the game by less than $1,000. I tried to convince Elroy out of attacking Mike, but Elroy claimed HE had nothing to lose. I couldn't argue with that logic. Drat.


Anonymous said...

А! وكان هذا حقا للاهتمام. كنت أحب القراءة

Oregon Millburns said...

Haha! Good luck reading 'Anonymous's' comment...haha! Anywho, I loved how Preston came into the room and yelled Surprise!...So funny!