Friday, November 19, 2010

Little Late

My kids keep reminding me that I haven't put a blog post up yet. Thank goodness I can change the date! I was going to put diving pictures up, but there were so many to look at that it was taking me too long. I don't have time for that when I need, need, need to get the Parry Post done!

Today I went over to the new elementary school and talked with the assistant principal. She was very nice and took a lot of time out of her day to talk to me. She took me on a tour of the school. I asked if I could bring Stockton some time to have a tour. (I'm trying to decide if I should put him back after Christmas or next year....I LOVE homeschooling him, but I want to give him the experience of going to school here as well.) Anyway, Mrs. Wallace stayed after school and took both Stockton and Jorja on a tour. Now I have some big decisions to make.

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