Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Halloween!

We went trick-or-treating with the cousins today. Stockton slept over last night, so he was able to spend ALL day with them. That made for a happy, happy Stockton. Preston was so cute when he was trick-or-treating. When the door would open, he would walk right in. At one house I said, "Say thank-you" and he turned around and hugged the person at the door. It was so cute! One quick side-note. I know we are trick-or-treating on Saturday because Halloween is on Sunday. They do this in Georgia too, so it is not just a Utah thing.
Maysen, Stockton, Jorja, Weston, Brandon, Jacob
Maysen ~ Scourge
Stockton ~ Dimentio
Jorja ~ frog
Weston ~ Lego Man
Preston the Leopard Looking at his Loot

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