Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Peek is right! Jorja had her open house for school today. Only this year they called it sneak-a-peek. Usually, Jorja would get to find her classroom, meet her teacher, feel really special. This year, the class lists were in the hall, then all the 2nd grade teachers were standing in the line in the cafeteria. It was kind of a let down. At least she got the teacher I wanted her to get - Mrs. Trombino. Alyssa would have been in her class, but she is going to the charter school instead. Jorja is really disappointed about that. I don't think Jorja's favorite friend in 1st grade is coming back either -- we couldn't find his name on any of the lists. Oh well...I wonder who her new friends will be. We were talking earlier about how Jorja always seems to have one important friend each year. That is the friend we always hear about at home. In preschool it was Emily, then A.J. Kindergarten was Emma. First grade was Cannon. Second grade ?????? I can't wait for her to find out!

Stockton really wanted to come with Jorja today. While we were waiting in the line before they opened the door, Stockton would say things like, "Enjoy your last five minutes of freedom before you enter torture!" I think he is a little excited to stay home. Hope he doesn't regret it.

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