Thursday, August 26, 2010

Jorja's 'Not a Talk'

On Sunday, Jorja was asked to give a talk. Her talk was on how miracles come to those who have faith. She worked hard on her talk and practiced it all week. I was conducting this Sunday. When it was Jorja's turn to give the talk, she wouldn't do it. I was frustrated because we had worked so hard on this. I ended up reading the talk for her. I told her next time she had to give a talk I would make sure I wasn't on the stand. She has given a talk before, and she really is fantastic. I don't think she would have refused to give the talk for anyone but me. I think saying no to an adult is harder for her than reading a paper she has memorized. Anyway, here is her talk.

A long time ago there was a primary president in Utah named Sister Stratton. She got very sick and became blind. The doctor couldn’t help her, so he sent her to a hospital. For weeks the doctors tried to help her, but nothing worked. Finally Sister Stratton wanted to go home.

The primary children were very sad and they wanted to help Sister Stratton. They decided to hold a special fast for her. They knew that if they had faith and fasted and prayed, Heavenly Father would help her in way they could not, it was really hard to go without food all day, but even the youngest Primary children fasted and prayed for Sister Stratton. That night they met together and prayed. They felt peace and joy and knew that Heavenly Father had heard their prayers. A beautiful sun was setting as they walked home.

A few days later the primary children ran to greet Sister Stratton’s wagon and they told her of their fast. She asked them when their meeting was. They replied, “At sunset”. Sister Stratton sat back. Her eyes filed with tears and said, “At sunset on that day, I was sitting in a chair by the window of my hospital room. As I looked up, I saw the sunset for the first time since the fever stole my sight. Yes, children. I can see!” That was a miracle.

I know that if we have faith we can see miracles. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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