Friday, August 13, 2010

The Best Thing

Mike and Stockton were talking about the best thing about moving to Utah. (A frequent topic in our house . . . one can always dream) Anyway, Stockton said the best thing would be not having to hear people say y'all anymore. He cracks me up.

At dinner tonight, Mike and I put a giant slice of watermelon on Jorja's plate. When I say giant, I mean huge! No way could she eat it in one sitting. Jorja thought we were out of watermelon, so when we called everyone for dinner her eyes got so big. She was excited. Everyone else got apples. It was pretty funny, but you probably had to be there.

Maysen was babysitting tonight, and I got home right as she was putting the kids to bed. As I walked in the house, I heard them saying a family prayer. It was so sweet. I waited around the corner until she was done. When she turned to leave the room she gave a scream, "There you are!" It was funny. I didn't feel bad about scaring her this time. Much better to be scared when you are awake.


Brett - Rachel B said...

Maybe Jorja and Marie can have a watermelon eating contest sometime.

Stephanie said...

I think Jorja would leave Marie in the dust...or pits...