Saturday, July 17, 2010

Free Fry Day

Cassie had her baby shower today. Rachel, Ange & Shannon (Jex) were all able to go. It was fun except I was annoyed that I left my camera card in my laptop.

When I got back to Steve & Shannon's house, Preston was so sore. He had been swimming and his swimsuit rubbed his legs raw. He has been walking around like a cowboy the rest of the day. I held him until he fell asleep, then Maysen, Erica and I went shopping. First, I spent a ton of money at Deseret Book. Maysen has wanted a quad, so I decided to get one for her birthday - but I wanted her to pick it out. Later in the day, I realized I forgot about the gift card in my wallet! Now that's more annoying then leaving a camera card. Anyway, after Barnes & Noble I stopped at Khols. Maysen hates Khols, so she waited in the car. I had the most amazing find there! Feet jammies! The kind Maysen loves and just her size! I was so happy!

Okay, enough about shopping. When we got home, Steve was getting ready to grill hamburgers and hotdogs. Arctic Circle has free fry day on Saturdays (why they didn't do it on Fridays I'll never know). I called for all kids who wanted free fries to come and load up. I got all of my kids and all of Steve & Shannon's kids in the car (except Spencer). At the drive through I asked for 9 free fries. When I told the server I didn't want anything else, they asked if we wanted complimentary cones. I told her I didn't want to take advantage of them. The kids were teasing me about it, so when we got to the window I said I changed my mind and we wanted to take complete advantage of them. They were super nice there. Stockton thinks we need one in Georgia.

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