Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Stockton's 4th Grade Awards

Stockton had his awards day today. They just did a quick thing in the class. Perfect for Stockton.
Mrs. Catlin got permission to give awards to those who exceeded on the CRCT. There are five tests: reading, language arts, math, science and social studies. Stockton was so nervous about it. I couldn't help but laugh and try to take pictures.
Nervous Stockton

Here's Stockton getting his award for math. Not only did he exceed in all the categories, but he got a perfect score in math.
Mrs. Catlin was funny. After the awards she was talking to Stockton and asked him, "Are you really that humble? Did you really think you wouldn't exceed?" She was cracking up watching him.
Whatever was he worried about?
Mrs. Catlin has been the absolutely perfect teacher for Stockton. He has thrived this year. I am going to miss her so much. Stockton will too. One of my favorite things about Mrs. Catlin is not only does she understand Stockton completely, but she explains parts of his behavior to me. Things I've never thought about, but when she says them I think, "Wow. You are exactly right." She describes Stockton as a nonconformist. When he has had a hard time with other teachers this year, she says to them, "Do you really want to die on this mountain?" What ever am I going to do without her watching out for him. I hope I can do a tenth of the job she has done. Stockton is really going to miss her. (Mrs. Catlin was Maysen's 4th grade teacher as well and was equally amazing.)

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